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First Christian Church Pennington Gap, VA

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Information, Activities & News about First Christian Church Pennington Gap, VA

Sunday School: 9:45 am Sunday AM Worship: 11:00 am Sunday PM Worship 6:00 pm Tuesday Women's Bible Study 10:00 am Wednesday PM Adult/Youth Bible Study 6:00 pm


First Christian Church Pennington Gap, VA can be found at the following address:

41481 W. Morgan Avenue

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(276) 546-1315

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It is official now Robin and I are grandparents. My son and his wife welcomed Elizabeth Grace this morning (Friday) a little after 2 AM this morning. She was 7 lbs and 19 inches long. We are now part of the amazing "grandparents club".


Summer is just around the corner! I've already heard people talking about planning their vacations. I’m sure many of you enjoy vacations at the ocean ... the sound of the waves coming ashore ... the sea gulls flying above ... the warmth of the sun on your face ... the softness of the sand beneath your feet. Ahhhh! I have a friend who recently recounted a trip of his family to Cozumel, Mexico. He said, “don't ask me to go very far out into the water. I'm perfectly content to stand on the shore and allow the waves to lap at my feet. If I stroll very far into the ocean water I immediately begin to hear the music from the movie 'Jaws' and a sense of panic begins to sweep over me. While on vacation in Cozumel, Mexico, my oldest daughter was trying to convince me to go snorkeling with her. We went to the pier and I asked the guys who did the snorkeling trips, "Do you go far into the ocean?" He assured me, "Oh no, we are always close to the shore." Whew, that was a relief. So, I paid the fare for my daughter & I and boarded the boat, along with a few other tourists. The boat engine started ... and off we took ... way out into the ocean! I had been deceived!! The boat finally came to halt ... I could not see land in any direction. The guide (who I no longer trusted) began to instruct us on how to properly wear the snorkels, breathing tubes and fins. The guide jumped into the water first and then one by one each person would step on the end of the boat and jump until finally no one was remaining on the boat except for me and the other guide. I was trembling, my palms were seating, the 'Jaws' music was playing loudly! The other guide looked at me and said, "You seem a little anxious. When you get into the water just stay close to the guide." I thought, "Stay close? I'll stick to him like a tick on a dog!" At that very moment, the guide gave an evil laugh and said, "Get into the water big guy!" - - and shoved me off of the boat!!! Yikes! There was no turning back now. Nervously, I put my face under the surface of the ocean water ... and I discovered incredible beauty ... coral reefs, schools of fish in vibrant colors ... even some scuba divers way, way down below me. I couldn't get enough ... I couldn't see enough ... I wanted more! Guess who was the last person to get back on the boat? Me!!” Now, as I thought about his story..... you know what? Jesus wants the same for you and me. To descend and see the same. Forget the surface relationship. Don't be content to stand on the shore. Go deep! Take a deep breath and descend so deeply into His love that you see nothing else! "I want nothing on earth beside You!" - Psalm 73:25 This devotional thought is sent to you by: Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Summer is just around the corner! I've already heard people talking about planning their vacations. I’m sure many of you enjoy vacations at the ocean ... the sound of the waves coming ashore ... the sea gulls flying above ... the warmth of the sun on your face ... the softness of the sand beneath your feet. Ahhhh! I have a friend who recently recounted a trip of his family to Cozumel, Mexico. He said, “don't ask me to go very far out into the water. I'm perfectly content to stand on the shore and allow the waves to lap at my feet. If I stroll very far into the ocean water I immediately begin to hear the music from the movie 'Jaws' and a sense of panic begins to sweep over me. While on vacation in Cozumel, Mexico, my oldest daughter was trying to convince me to go snorkeling with her. We went to the pier and I asked the guys who did the snorkeling trips, "Do you go far into the ocean?" He assured me, "Oh no, we are always close to the shore." Whew, that was a relief. So, I paid the fare for my daughter & I and boarded the boat, along with a few other tourists. The boat engine started ... and off we took ... way out into the ocean! I had been deceived!! The boat finally came to halt ... I could not see land in any direction. The guide (who I no longer trusted) began to instruct us on how to properly wear the snorkels, breathing tubes and fins. The guide jumped into the water first and then one by one each person would step on the end of the boat and jump until finally no one was remaining on the boat except for me and the other guide. I was trembling, my palms were seating, the 'Jaws' music was playing loudly! The other guide looked at me and said, "You seem a little anxious. When you get into the water just stay close to the guide." I thought, "Stay close? I'll stick to him like a tick on a dog!" At that very moment, the guide gave an evil laugh and said, "Get into the water big guy!" - - and shoved me off of the boat!!! Yikes! There was no turning back now. Nervously, I put my face under the surface of the ocean water ... and I discovered incredible beauty ... coral reefs, schools of fish in vibrant colors ... even some scuba divers way, way down below me. I couldn't get enough ... I couldn't see enough ... I wanted more! Guess who was the last person to get back on the boat? Me!!” Now, as I thought about his story..... you know what? Jesus wants the same for you and me. To descend and see the same. Forget the surface relationship. Don't be content to stand on the shore. Go deep! Take a deep breath and descend so deeply into His love that you see nothing else! "I want nothing on earth beside You!" - Psalm 73:25 This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


This past Monday we celebrated Earth Day. Everywhere you turn today it seems we are becoming more 'earth friendly' ... or as some refer to as being 'green'! Even house-cleaning products on the grocery story shelves are boasting of being environmentally-friendly. In our current political scene we have the promotion of the ”green deal”. My family and I live a short distance from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee ... and periodically we hear a news report or read in the newspaper about the increasing pollution in the Smoky Mountains due to the car emissions. And now, our newest fear is that we're polluting space! Experts tell us that enough high-flying debris has accumulated to raise the possibility of collisions in space or even plummeting to earth. We have many necessary satellites circling our planet, but it is estimated that over one-million small pieces and many large chunks of metal are also orbiting the earth. I don't know about you - - but I have been guilty of polluting more than just my physical environment. The Bible tells me that I have a tendency to 'contaminate' my worship of God. When I fail to give God proper reverence - - I bring dishonor to His name and reputation. Grab your Bible and take a look at the Old Testament book of Malachi, chapter 1, verses 7 & 8 - - the people of Israel were 'polluting' their worship by giving the Lord their 'leftovers'. If the half-hearted respect they showed to God had been given to their human leaders ... it would have been rejected big-time! God deserves and demands worship, praise, adoration, reverence that is unpolluted! God deserves our very best! Let's you and I be deliberate in removing the 'debris' from our worship and offer to Him praise that is pure and beautiful! "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory, and honor and power, for You created all things and by Your will they were created and have their being." - Revelation 4:11 (NIV) This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Dear Church Family & Friends, I wanted to give you an update on Ellen Reynold's brother Wayne who suffered a heart attack. They discovered he had a blocked artery and put in a stent yesterday. If all goes well he should come home sometime today. Thank you for your prayers. -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


As we approach the celebration of Easter ... may I remind those of us who wear the name 'Christian' of this: WE HAVE GOOD NEWS AND WE NEED TO BE BOLD IN SHARING IT! There are so many people held captive by the philosophy of this world and they desperately need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ! One of my favorite Christian authors is Max Lucado and I read this story from his book 'On The Anvil' ... I hope it encourages you today ... "On Friday, May 7, my calendar reads, 'Juan - lunch'. The lunch date never occurred. Juan killed himself on Thursday, May 6. Three weeks earlier Juan had spent a week in our house. He'd just been dumped by a girl. Dumped hard. Several times I saw him pull out a picture of them together, taken on New Year's Eve. She was in an evening gown, Juan was in a tux. "Boy, that was life in the big time," he'd say longingly, sadly. He had tried twice before to kill himself, but had failed. This time he didn't fail. What makes a fellow do it? I really wonder. What made him finally get the courage to do it? Juan had breathed the exhaust of his own car. Two days earlier I had run into him at Swenson's Ice Cream Parlor. He was there with some friends. We laughed some. He seemed to be doing so well. (Where do we learn that pain is something we have to hide?) What emotions do I feel? Confusion. The black veil of hopeless death falls viciously. Why? How horrid it is to be governed by laws we don't understand. Guilt. You see, we were originally scheduled to have lunch on May 6, but I had postponed it to May 7. I can't help but wonder, 'What if I hadn't canceled?' But the guilt will pass. I know too well my own failures. The inability to forgive one's self is itself suicidal. Clarity. How death clears the fog! The abrupt departure of life starkly reminds me of why we are here. Death causes all other preoccupations of life to tumble down the hill, leaving at the top this one priority: JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD AND GOD HAS FORGIVEN MY FAILURES. When all we have to face is death and all we have to remember are memories ... Jesus' victory and God's forgiveness will be the only things that matter. Why am I writing this? It comforts me, for one thing. For another, I want you to know how terribly vital each person in the world is. I loved Juan. In a small way this is a tribute to him. He was a victim of despair. He wanted a life he couldn't have. He had a life he couldn't handle. Juan was caught in a shouting match between the world on one side and a handful of us on the other. "Life isn't worth it!" screamed the world. "Yes it is," we yelled back. "No it isn't." "Yes it is!" And there was Juan in the middle, caught and confused. He's looked at us - then at the world. A puppy between two masters. Finally, we were outshouted. "You're right, it isn't worth it!" He despaired and jumped. But we can't quit shouting. Many may ignore us, but many will hear. And if only one hears - isn't it worth it?" Whew! Doesn't Max's story motivate you to be bolder in sharing the wonderful news of Jesus' love with those around you ... especially those you know and love well? I really like what Pastor Rick Warren says in his book 'The Purpose Driven Life' ... "What does God care about the most? The redemption of His people. He wants all His lost children found! That's the whole reason Jesus came to earth. The dearest thing to the heart of God is the death of His Son. The second dearest thing is when His children share that Good News with others. To be a friend of God, you must care about all the people around you whom God cares about. Friends of God tell their friends about God." Folks ... let's be friends of God this week and tell our friends about God! Invite your friends to celebrate Easter with you with your church family. Hold on to the words of 1 Corinthians 16:13 ... "Stand firm in the faith; be men & women of courage; be strong. Do everything in love." This Easter ... BE BOLD! This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Dear Church Family & Friends, I know there has been some concerns the Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Sunday at 4:00 pm at Lowell's house due to the forecast of possible severe rain storms. IF that turns out to be the case the plan is to change the location to the church but it will still be at the same time. IF the location changes we will use the church wide phone notification system to let people know of the change. All the events be as scheduled at either location. Thank you.


I am sure many of us have taken a vacation at the beach. Probably one of the exciting things your children did at the beach was to build a sand castle. They probably sat for hours, digging and smoothing, shoveling and patting; making a nice wide moat and then filling it with water from the ocean with their buckets. But, inevitably, their frustration would rise as the tide rose. The waves crept closer and closer until the foam began to lick the edges of their castle, and finally ... a strong wave finally moved in and it is all washed away. Now, we as adults realize that the sand castles are not permanent ... but our children don't quite grasp that reality yet. Unfortunately, I've witnessed too many people at the end of their lives feeling the same way. They work non-stop, ever busy with a hectic, over-booked schedule. Then eventually their bodies force them to slow down and take a look at what they've struggled so hard to construct. The harsh reality they often face is that much of what they strove for won't last. After they die, it will wash away like a sand castle at high tide. Here's the reality ... you and I will be forgotten one day. Only what we do for God, how we fulfill the purpose for which He made us, will remain. Are you busy, busy, busy building sand castles? Why not put down the bucket and shovel and begin to focus on what can't be washed away!! This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


There are many individuals in our church family who have served and are currently serving in our military. I greatly appreciate their faithful service for our nation! I read of a young man who had just entered basic training in the U. S. Air Force. On his first attempt in an obstacle course he finished far ahead of everyone else. As he proudly completed the course he was immediately confronted by his drill sergeant who demanded, 'Where are all your buddies?' 'Back there, sir!', he replied. And with a beaming smile he said, 'I won!' The sergeant barked, 'The obstacle course isn't about coming in first ... it's about finishing! Everybody finishes or nobody wins. Go back and run it again, and this time help the guys who are struggling along the way!' That young man says that that was the moment his transformation from being a lone competitor obsessed with winning ... into an encourager whose goal was to build teamwork. Jesus Christ certainly didn't move through life as a solitary figure, living a perfect life alone. As He neared the Cross, He emptied His heart in prayer for His disciples: "Holy Father, keep them and care for them - all those you have given Me - so that they will be united just as We are. During My time here, I have kept them safe. I guarded them so that not one was lost." (John 17:11-12) Now ... that's teamwork! I'm not certain who wrote the words to this little poem, but I sure do like what it says ... "As Christians, we are in a race Until the day we see Christ's face; So, let's encourage those who run To finish and to win as one." How will you run life's obstacle course today? Trying to win alone, or as the Lord prayed ... together, united, encouraging each other until we all cross the finish line! This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


I am going to be out of the office Wednesday so I sending out the Devotional Thought a day early. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><<>>><>><><><><> I think that one of the greatest challenges facing many Christians today is the issue of being a 'servant'. For some reason, many Christians have the idea that to be a 'servant' means that you attend a worship service once a week! By going to a worship service every week completes their 'service' requirement! But if you intently study the Scriptures you will discover that when Jesus talks about 'serving' ... it always means pouring your life into somebody else! Jesus certainly modeled this on the evening of the Last Supper ... when He took on the role of the lowest servant and washed the feet of the disciples. (Read about this in John 13:3-16) Through this act He showed that the key to 'servanthood' is humility. Unless we are willing to stoop very low and get dirty in our 'serving', we have missed the whole point of 'servanthood'. Reflect on this Last Supper for just a moment and begin to visualize Jesus getting on his knees and washing the smelly, dirty calloused, stinky feet of 12 men ... including men who in just a few hours would betray Him, abandon Him, and deny Him. You see, a true 'servant' does not have to be asked to serve. On this particular evening Jesus saw what had been overlooked and needed to be done ... so He did it! A true 'servant' will be alert to identify needs and will volunteer to meet them. A true 'servant' will quietly do his or her service without looking for recognition or reward. A true 'servant' is satisfied with giving. However, a true 'servant' must learn to receive as well as give. Remember, Simon Peter threw a little temper-tantrum when Jesus tried to wash his feet. He was one proud man! Do you recall Jesus' response? If they did not let Him wash their feet, then they had no part in Him. Wow! Powerful words! True 'servants' learn to do both ... graciously give and humbly receive. Will you be a 'servant' for Him? I pray that you and I will be! This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


If you look in the Gospel of Mark chapter 2 you will find one of my favorite stories in the Bible. It's the touching story of a paralyzed man whose friends desperately wanted Jesus to heal him. So, these dedicated friends carried him on a mat to the house where Jesus was teaching; but when they arrived the place was so packed with people that they couldn't even get near the entrance. This did not deter them though, they just came up with a creative way to get to Jesus. They somehow maneuvered the man and the mat onto the roof of the home, dug through the clay roof, and lowered the paralyzed man down ... right smack-dab in front of Jesus! I'm sure the crowd was probably a little ticked at this interruption ... and I'm sure homeowner was really upset about a hole in his roof!! BUT, Jesus was not upset. In fact, He was impressed with their dedication and creativity. And, He was touched by their faith. It was quite obvious to Jesus that these men wanted their friend physically healed. Yet, the first thing Jesus said was NOT, "Sir, get up and walk!" ... instead He said, "My son, your sins are forgiven!" (Mark 2:5 - NLT) C'mon ... what's the deal here? The man had come to Jesus so he could walk. What did sin have to do with it? Sin had - and has - everything to do with it. You see, Jesus knows our greatest need is not physical healing - - but a spiritual healing. Today let's take home a lesson from this story. When you go before God in your personal quiet time with Him ... do you immediately begin by laying out your lengthy 'wish list' of wants and needs? Or ... do you begin your time with Him in praise & fellowship & repentance? Are there some sins you need to confess to Him? You see, what we REALLY need from Jesus is to spend time in His presence ... worship Him ... honor Him ... adore Him ... and allow Him to cleanse us and purify us and prepare us for His work. Then, we can also share with Him our physical concerns. Jesus saw in that paralyzed man that his greatest need was to be forgiven and given a new hope ... and He did just that! BUT GUESS WHAT? He also healed him physically! As soon as Jesus healed him ... the man jumped up, rolled up his little mat, and pushed his way through the crowd of stunned onlookers. OUR GOD IS SO AWESOME!! He knows that for each of us - our greatest need is for forgiveness ... so He sent Jesus Christ, His only Son, to die on the cross for our sins and offered His grace and forgiveness to us. And yet, He cares so much for our personal needs that He taught us to pray ... "Give us today our daily bread..." He knows all your needs ... from the greatest to the smallest! This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Everyday I will look in the mirror multiple times ... and most of the time I don't even notice 'it'! But this morning as I gazed at myself in the mirror ... I noticed 'it'! What is 'it'? 'It' is - - I'm getting older! Yikes! My skin doesn't look like I'm 17 anymore ... there's wrinkles where there didn't use to be any ... and what hair I have left is now growing out of my nose & ears or it has changed color !! There's really not much that I can do to slow down this aging process. (Although, the Bosley Hair commercials on t.v. always grab my attention!) Recently, I did consider coloring my hair, but my wife canceled that idea. Too bad, I've always wanted to be blonde!! Aren't there times you wish you could turn the clock back? I know there are certainly moments when I yearn to somehow make it all 'new' again ... but I can't. But ... GOD CAN!! Recall what the shepherd David wrote ... "He restores my soul." God doesn't reform ... He restores. God doesn't camouflage the old ... He makes it new again. The Master Builder will pull out the original plan and restore it! Some of you may recall the horrible shooting at Columbine High School years ago. Cassie Bernall was a student who was murdered in that rampage. Her brother, Chris, wrote this poem following her funeral ... "Now I have given up on everything else - I have found it to be the only way to really know Christ and to experience the mighty power that brought Him back to life again, and to find out what it means to suffer and die with Him. So, whatever it takes I will be one who lives in the fresh awareness of life of those who are alive from the dead." Mmmmmm ... the sweet, refreshing, fragrant scent of HOPE. Indeed, this is the message of Christ. He brings HOPE! He is capable of making all things new! If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then allow His Holy Spirit to remind you of His incredible HOPE and then be sure to share the message of HOPE with an unashamed boldness! This devotional thought is brought to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


If you've been watching the weather or the news on t.v. these past few days then you are keenly aware of the rain, storms, wind, snow & tornadoes that have swept across our nation. In the New Testament the apostle Paul tells about a storm that he was in. He is a prisoner and is on a ship that is headed for Rome. The ship encounters a storm and Paul describes the storm in Acts 27:14-15 ... "Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called a 'northeaster' swept down from the island. The ship was caught by the storm, and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along." When the ship first encountered the hurricane-force winds, the crew tried to fight it. They tried to sail into the storm, perhaps to find the calm center, but soon they realized that their efforts were of no use. It's hard to stop a storm in progress! Sometimes - the storms in our lives are called 'change'! 'Change' is inevitable, and you can waste a lot of time and energy trying to fight it. If you don't learn to adapt to life's unexpected situations and move along with them, your ship will be destroyed. In the midst of life's worst blows, you can be tempted to cling to the past and romanticize about the way things used to be. We all know people who just can't adapt to change. The wind shifts direction, and they scramble for security. They get stubborn and think back on how much better it used to be in the 'good ole days'. The reality is ... if we don't learn to adapt to the winds of change, we'll never enjoy life. Change is frightening, uncertain, and threatening, but it can also be healthy, dynamic, refreshing, and necessary. We must embrace the facts that life is a voyage and our ship will encounter storms ('change') at times. Life is not found in navigating around the winds of change - - the abundant life is found IN these life changes. I have seen individuals and churches who miss out on so much joy in life because they were afraid of change and fought the change. Their efforts were spent in looking back, clinging to traditions, personal preferences or opinions - - instead of looking forward and trusting God. Remember the words of Jesus? "I have come that they may have life, and have it in abundance!" (John 10:10) So, here's some things to ponder: * Are traditions, personal preferences or opinions causing you to miss out on present opportunities for growth? * What storms are you facing in your life today? * Are they making you stronger or blowing you apart? Remember, you don't get to choose what storms come into your life, but you do get to choose your response. What response will you choose today? ​This devotional thought is sent to you by: (I will be on vacation next week so there will be no devotional thought that week)​ -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


We invite you to join us for this very special program. We know you be blessed as David K presents his message through word and music.


This past Monday I was delighted to marry a friend of our son and fiancé. It is an honor and a joy to be a part of a joyful marriage ceremony! For most of us, what we really enjoy about weddings is the atmosphere of joy and beauty that surround the occasion. * the music is carefully chosen & rehearsed * family members and friends will travel great distances to attend * vows of committed love are shared * beautiful rings are exchanged * people arrive beautifully dressed in their best and carrying carefully selected (and oftentimes expensive) gifts * at most wedding receptions you get enjoy a delicious dinner * most wedding receptions have a DJ or an instrumental ensemble playing music so folks can dance. And, everyone enjoys the sweet moment when the bride dances with her father and the groom dances with his mother. Now, believe it or not ... I would enjoy dancing… but I have no rhythm! So, consequently I rarely dance besides, in my line of work about the only time I get to dance is at a wedding reception. So, I take advantage of it and have a slow dance with my wife to a romantic song. You may recall that the Bible pictures heaven as the union of Christ and His bride. And it's a place of love, joy, music, laughter, and togetherness. Scripture calls attention to this in Revelation 19:9 ... "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!" And, you know what? I believe we will dance in His presence! Psalm 149:3 tells us to ... "Praise His name with dancing." And, I don't think we'll be dancing on a tiled dance floor. Nope! We'll be dancing on streets made of gold! Are you familiar with the words from this praise chorus... "We will dance on the streets that are golden; The glorious bride and the great Son of Man. From every tongue and tribe and nation, Will join in the song of the Lamb!" I hope that you have accepted the invitation to be a part of THE wedding celebration! It's going to be awesome!! This devotional thought is sent to you by: -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


It's time to celebrate Valentine's Day! I'm quite sure that the floral shops are extremely frantic in creating breath-taking, fragrant flower arrangements for husbands and boyfriends to give to their sweethearts on this special day! Big bucks will be spent for these beautiful arrangements. However, just wait a few days and look upon these flowers as they sit on the table and they won't look so good. No matter how much money you paid ... the flowers will look down-right pathetic!! Wilting & drooping over the edge of the vase .... the vivid color has faded ... the fragrance has vanished ... the petals dropping off ... the greenery withering. And now, no matter what you do, those flowers will never live again. You could surround them with fresh water ... stick them in rich soil ... glue the petals back on the stem. BUT, even after all that - - they'll still be dead. You see what happened is that when the floral arrangement was being created ... the florist at the flower shop took shears and separated those beautiful flowers from their source of life. They were cut at the stem. They may have looked pretty for awhile ... but now they are dead. A dead flower has absolutely no life. 'Sin' does to life what shears do to a flower ... it cuts us off from God and our soul withers and dies. The consequences of sin is not a 'bad hair day' or a 'bad mood' ... but a dead soul. The goal of sin is to kill the soul. In fact Romans 6:23 tells us that when people sin they earn what sin pays ... death! May we be encouraged today to be ALIVE!! Remain connected to the life-breathing, joy-giving power of a loving, personal intimate relationship with Jesus Christ! John 15:5 is a marvelous reminder to us from Jesus Christ ... "I am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." Stay connected to Him and remain beautiful, fragrant and alive! -​This devotional thought is sent to you by:​- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Dear Church Family & Friends - the arrangements for Louise Cecil's brother, David Roop, is as follows: Graveside only - Friday, Feb. 8th at 1:00 pm at Lee Memorial Gardens. Louise has requested a meal for the family following the graveside. Sandy Wells is out of town so I am not sure who this falls to next to arrange this??? Anyone knows?? or want to volunteer??? -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Dear Church Family & Friends - I wanted to make you aware that Louise Cecil's brother, David, passed away yesterday. Robinette in Jonesville will be in charge. A graveside service only is being planned. Final arrangements are not complete at this time. Please keep the family in your prayers, Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Did you watch the Super Bowl game this past Sunday? It was a historic game. It was interesting that during the game the cameras would periodically scan the Super Bowl crowd and you would see the faces of passionate fans. Fans dressed from head-to-toe in their team colors, faces painted, etc. Most of those fans spent thousands & thousands of dollars for plane tickets, hotels, meals and game tickets. All of this for one single game ... and because they're absolutely passionate about their team! So, what are you passionate about? Sports? Career? Family? Hobby? Food? God? Nothing great ever happens with 'passion'. The driving force behind all masterful art, all moving music, all classic literature, all powerful drama, all stunning architecture is 'passion'. Passion propels athletes to break records. Passion pushes scientists to discover new cures for diseases. Passion drives us to share God's love in creative, innovative ways with those around us. Passion is what gives life to life. God intends for us to live passionately. "So love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy." (Mark 12:30 - The Message). We were made with the capacity for passion because God is a passionate God, and we're made in His image. We're told, "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." (Romans 12:11) Notice the word 'keep' - - that tells us that passion is something we can lose. If we don't work at it, the stresses and pressures of life can steal our passion for our families, friends, careers and God. But, in order to keep our passion alive and thriving we must be sure to include a key ingredient ... LOVE. Love is the foundation of a passionate life. The fuel that fires the passion in a marriage relationship is love. The fuel that fires productivity at the workplace is love. The fuel that keeps us growing in our relationship with God is love ... not obligation or legalistic obedience. LOVE! So, what if you don't feel as passionate about God as you once did or you don't have the spiritual fervor you once had? Well ... you have to start doing the things you did when you first fell in love with God. What did you do? You spent time with Him. You were so excited about the Bible and learning what it means to love God. You told your friends what God was doing in your life. You have to get back to doing those things if you want to fall in love with God all over again. If you want to rekindle your passion for life ... then focus on God's love for you. Fall in love again ... live passionately for Him! ​This devotional thought is sent to you by:​ -- Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Have you ever heard the story of the boiling frog? It is said that if you place a frog in a pot of boiling water - he'll jump out immediately. But, if you place a frog in a pot of cold water and gradually heat the water to boiling, the frog will not notice the change in temperature and will then be boiled to death. Now, I don't know whether this story is really true or not - but it certainly serves as a good metaphor for our walk with Christ! We might hop into situations or relationships that seem harmless at first, but they gradually lead us down the wrong path - and before we know it, we're boiled. Maybe it's a job or hobby that gradually consumes all our time; or maybe it's a friend who gradually influences us to do, say or think things that don't honor God. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, "Do not be misled: bad company corrupts good character." Those old sayings still ring true ... > Birds of a feather flock together > One bad apple spoils the whole bunch When choosing friends ... seek out Godly friends. "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." - Proverbs 27:17 In the same way, we should each check our own behaviors, actions and attitudes to make sure we aren't negatively affecting those around us. Consider this: are you the friend you would want to have? "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister." - Romans 14:13 What kind of friend do you think you are? ​This devotional thought is sent to you by: Bob Richards, Pastor First Christian Church 41481 W. Morgan Ave. Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Office: (276) 546-1315 E-mail: [email protected]


Here you can find pictures from First Christian Church Pennington Gap, VA:

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